Wednesday 17 August 2011

Natural Remedy For Gout - Consider This First

First of all, let's discuss what Gout actually is so that you can determine whether or not you have it and so that you may better understand what it is you are dealing with to help you in your quest to eliminate the pain and discomfort you or your partner might be experiencing and to help you make an informed decision when choosing a natural remedy for gout.

So what is Gout? It is a form of arthritis that in most cases occurs at night. It usually affects only one joint, most commonly, the big toe. In most cases it results when needle like crystals of uric acid form in the space between the bones( i.e. joints), or in the connective tissue. A deep, persistent pain is present. The uric acid crystals inflame the surrounding area which leads to inflammatory arthritis. This is what causes the heat, pain, swelling, stiffness and redness. It can be mild in the first couple of attacks but as in most cases, will eventually become a lot more painful in future attacks if left undiagnosed and untreated as it is a recurring/episodic condition.

Am I Alone?

No You Are Not. Gout affects 1% of the world's population. That may seem like a small number, but 1% of just less than 7 billion people is a very large group of people suffering indeed! It has also recently been discovered that 1 in 4 people suffering from gout have a family history of the condition. This information is critical in helping doctors to diagnose the problem correctly as misdiagnosing happens more commonly than one would expect.

Why Me?

Anybody can get Gout. However, it is slightly more common in males. It was once thought that it was the result of overindulgence of certain foods and drink. Although it can heighten your risk of another attack, overindulgence is merely a risk factor and not the cause for Gout. It usually affects men between the ages of 30-50 and women over the age of 50. The reason for this is that men have more uric acid present in their bodies than women do. Once women go through menopause though, their uric acid levels increase and become similar to their counterparts' uric acid levels.

The Symptoms of Gout Include:
  • Arthritis attacks that develop very quickly(12-24hours)
  • Multiple attacks of Acute Arthritis(rapid onset, short course)
  • Affects only one joint. In 75% of cases it is the big toe, however it can affect the ankle, knee, elbow, fingers, hand, instep, heel, wrists.
  • Heat, Pain, Swelling, Redness, Stiffness

10 Quick Questions to Think About

 1. Are you or your loved one suffering with gout?
 2. Are you tired of the painful attacks which leave you feeling frustrated, irritated and depressed?
 3. Do you end up taking out your frustrations on your work colleagues, friends, family and partners?
 4. Is Gout preventing you from living a normal, happy life?
 5. Do you wonder if the pain will ever go away?
 6. Is Gout interfering with your daily routines?
 7. Are you tired of seeing your spouse suffering?
 8. Are you sick of all the complicated, confusing information out there?
 9. Have you experienced any negative side-effects from prescription medicine?
10. Have you been told before that all you can do is wait for it to sort itself out?

It is only through learning what the underlying causes are that you will be able to start the healing process and eradicate the pain and suffering once and for all!

So Where To From Here?

Knowledge is power so the more you know and understand your condition, the easier it will be for you to overcome it. The following suggestions are all things I would recommend when it comes to the treatment of gout. Keep in mind, drugs or prescription medicines should be taken as a last resort. The body was not meant to be pumped full of chemicals and synthetic hormones. A natural approach is a great way to start resolving the issue.

1.)Visit one of the many gout forums on the web. I have spent some time on the various forums and have learned a great deal about gout by speaking to people who suffer from this condition. It is an excellent place to speak to other people who understand what you are going through and to share tips and ideas.

2.)Honey and Cinnamon -1tbsp RAW honey, 1/4tbsp cinnamon in a cup of boiling water 2-3 times a day. This is an old remedy that gets good results! Has numerous other health benefits so I would recommend this to anyone actually. Very nice on cold days. I love the taste! So will you!

3.)Epsom Salts - soak your feet in warm water with epsom salts desolved in it.The magnesium in the salts will help lower blood pressure and improve circulation. Great stress relief.

4.)Increase your intake of strawberries, cherries and other berries - berries are rich in anti-oxidants and vitamin-C along with some other important vitamins and minerals.(Not going to bore you with the details).

5.) Bicarbonate of Soda - take 1/2tsp in a glass of water 2-3 times a day. NB!! if you suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure avoid this remedy. High salt content in Bicarb will elevate blood pressure and increase hypertension.

6.)The following guide will be VERY helpful -
It is a very comprehensive step-by-step guide that has had many a happy customer review. It teaches you everything you will need to know to live a pain-free happy life without too much effort and without breaking the bank in the process. You also get 2 FREE Medical Reports worth a total of $57. I really suggest you check it out as this might be all you ever really need to alleviate the problem. Once you learn it you'll know it forever!


These are just a few things you could try to give you immediate relief from the pain and discomfort. To really overcome this condition you must try to understand what the underlying causes are. Only then will you be able to make the necessary changes required to overcome this problem. When in doubt, always consult your doctor. This is a problem that will in most cases require that the both of you work together to solve it. Remember though, that drugs should be the last option you look at.   
There are great products with very good customer reviews, available to you, on this site. You are unique, so take the time to find what will work for you. I sincerely hope that I was of some help to you and wish you luck in finding something that will provide you with long lasting relief!

Good Luck!

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